NOTE: This meeting was held after the recent planning decision.
Alderton Parish Council
Email: www.
Minutes of the Parish Council Meeting held in Alderton Village Hall, Alderton on
Tuesday 16th May 2023 commencing at 7pm
Present: Parish Councillors: Nicki Broderick, Martin Davies, John Kettle, Paul Woodman, Dennis Rayton and Mike West. Borough Councillor: Cllr Madle
230516/01: To elect a Chair – Cllr West was nominated by Cllr Kettle and seconded by Cllr Woodman for the next month. Cllr Rayton will be the Chair from June for the next 2 months.
Parish Clerk – to appoint an Acting Parish Clerk – Cllr Kettle was appointed.
All Councillors had signed: Declaration of Acceptance, Register of Interest and Members’ expenses forms.
The Parish Councillors from May 9th 2023 are Nicki Broderick, Martin Davies, John Kettle, Paul Woodman, Dennis Rayton and Mike West. There is 1 vacancy.
Borough Councillors: Cllr Madle, Mason and Gray are the new Borough Councillors and Cllr Madle was welcomed to the meeting.
230516/02 The minutes of the meeting held on 18 April were approved and signed by Cllr West.
Matters arising: Not heard anything from Highways.
230516/03 Apologies received from Cllr Gray and Mason who were at another meeting. The meeting was quorate. No members of the public present.
230516/04 Cathie Bridges has signed her contract for the role of Parish Clerk and Responsible Finance Officer and is starting on May 22nd 2023.
Cllrs West and Kettle will work with Cathie to start the induction.
230516/05 Audit material to be given to Cllrs Davies and Woodman. MW
Not had a date from GAPTC for the Internal Audit
230516/06 Declaration of Interest – Cllr Kettle 9b Beckford Road
Cllr Woodman - Allotments
230516/07 Correspondence –All correspondence to be sent to Parish Clerk.
· Emails from a resident - needs a response.
Organise all Councillors to have a Parish Council email address. Cllr Madle to discuss with Winchcombe Parish Clerk.
· Information about a variety of courses.
· Village Hall Committee – Cllr Rayton has offered to be the representative from the PC.
To invite Mr Fowles to next meeting - JK
· Cllr Rayton has met with Mr Fowles and Structural Engineer about the crack in Village Hall end wall.
Planning. To consider the following applications:
· 22/00998/FUL Land Behind 52 To 74 Willow Bank Road Alderton . Full planning application for the erection of 56 dwellings with associated infrastructure and amenities along with the demolition of an existing dwelling on land to the west of Willow Bank Road Alderton. No update.
· 23/00204/FUL Proposed rural exception site comprising 26 affordable homes and associated works – 90 letters of objection so far. Brief holding objection sent it from APC.
No update
· 23/00240/FUL 9b Beckford Rd. Erection of a first-floor rear extension and installation of a rear roof dormer. Resident asked questions outside of meeting. Planning Committee on May 25th 2023
APC have sent in their objection and will monitor the Committee report when issued.
· 23/00235/FUL Demolition of existing single story extensions. Erection two story side & rear extension & single story side extension. Installation of new windows to side rear elevation . Rendering of existing property. Already approved.
· 22/00624/OUT Appeal Review.
Outline Planning application for the demolition of 16 St Margaret’s Drive and the erection of up to 55 dwellings, associated infrastructure, landscape and biodiversity enhancements, all matters reserved except for access to St Margaret’s Drive. - Land east of St Margaret’s Drive, Alderton. No update following the Inquiry – the Inspector will let main parties know the time scale for the response.
230516/09 Annual Parish Meeting May 24th at 7pm. Refreshments will be provided. Village Organisations have been requested for reports and reminder for those not in.
Presentation to Cllr Page after his 40 year membership of APC.
230516/10 2 groups of 2 Councillors to focus on a. Allotments (Cllr Rayton and Woodman) and b. Playing Fields (Cllr Davies and Cllr Kettle)
230516/11 Asset register to be updated by Cllr Kettle and Cllr Woodman.
230516/12 Councillors to attend New Code of Conduct training. Also need to investigate training for new Councillors.
230516/13 Allotment matters-
· Meeting with Mr Andrews (Allotment Association Chairman)
a. AA want a compostable toilet but PC needs details of what they are looking for. Email Mr Roles of Greenfield Trust to investigate a grant for this - PW.
b. Reviewing maintenance of old Village Shop on Allotments – no water or electricity supply. An initial review and quotes to bring it to a better condition DR.
c. Stand pipes – Cllr Woodman has asked for plan of where they are at the moment and where they would like new ones.
· Several people have asked about availability of allotments.
230516/14 Playing Fields matters –
· Playground inspection – ROSPA report received. Nothing major to be done.
· Notice Board – Cllr Kettle has rung the manufacturer about the broken keys which has now happened twice.
· Tewkesbury Town Football team –to discuss giving them a trial period but asking for more information about the number of cars that would attend because of car parking. Regarding payment – move to the monthly payment. Invite contact to come to next meeting. JK
230516/15 Highways matters –have not heard anything about the Dibden Lane proposal.
· To contact Highways. NB
230516/16 Finances
· Budget vs Actual as at March 2023 and Bank Reconciliation, were agreed ( to accompany agreed Cashbook) to be published but with proviso that they haven’t yet been audited.
· Budget vs Actual 2023/2024 – have been looked at but a few small additions needed.
· Payments: approved
See attachment
· Cllr Broderick is now a cheque signatory and should be set up for online banking in a week.
· VAT – amount to be reclaimed. Cllr Kettle has a form to fill in.
230516/17 AOB
· Speed Indicator –Information will be read and passed on MD.
Dates of next meeting: Tuesday June 20th 2023 at 7pm