Alderton Parish Council
Nr Tewkesbury, Glos
The Parish Council's financial year runs from 1st April to 31st March.
Please use the links below to access the relevant information
Transparency Code
Transparency Code for Councils in England with an annual turnover not exceeding £25,000
The Smaller Authorities (Transparency Requirements) (England) Regulations 2015 requires the on-line publication of Parish Council information which the Government says will provide taxpayers with a clear picture of the Council's' activities, spending and governance and will improve the ability of communities to hold local public bodies to account.
Alderton Parish Council's turnover currently exceeds £25,000, however in the interests of openness and transparency we will publish the required information as set out in Part 2 of the Code:
all items of expenditure above £100
end of year accounts
annual governance statement
internal audit report
list of councillor or member responsibilities
the details of public land and building assets
minutes, agendas and meeting papers of formal meetings
The Code states that the information specified must be published on a website which is publicly accessible and free of charge.