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The Parish Council's financial year runs from 1st April to 31st March.

Please use the links below to access the relevant information






Budget 2023/24

Transparency Expend



Budget 2022/23

Transparency Expend


Budget 2021/22

Transparency Expend



Budget 2020/21




Budget 2019/20




Budget 2018/19





Budget 2017 / 18




Transparency Code



Transparency Code for Councils in England with an annual turnover not exceeding £25,000


The Smaller Authorities (Transparency Requirements) (England) Regulations 2015 requires the on-line publication of Parish Council information which the Government says will provide taxpayers with a clear picture of the Council's' activities, spending and governance and will improve the ability of communities to hold local public bodies to account.  


Alderton Parish Council's turnover currently exceeds £25,000, however in the interests of openness and transparency we will publish the required information as set out in Part 2 of the Code: 


  • all items of expenditure above £100

  • end of year accounts 

  • annual governance statement

  • internal audit report 

  • list of councillor or member responsibilities

  • the details of public land and building assets

  • minutes, agendas and meeting papers of formal meetings


The Code states that the information specified must be published on a website which is publicly accessible and free of charge.

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